Java is a popular programming language, created in 1995. Java works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc.) It is open-source, free, secure, fast and powerful and it is one of the most popular programming language in the world. It has a huge community support.
Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition
Understanding XML
Introduction to XML
Generating XML Data
Designing an XML Data Structure
Getting Started with Web Applications
Web Application Life Cycle
Web Modules
Configuring Web Applications
Duke’s Bookstore Examples
Accessing Databases from Web Applications
Further Information
Java API for XML Processing
An Overview of the Packages
The Simple API for XML APIs
The Document Object Model APIs
The Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations APIs
Using the JAXP Libraries
Where Do You Go from Here?
Simple API for XML
Echoing an XML File with the SAX Parser
Adding Additional Event Handlers
Handling Errors with the Nonvalidating Parser
Displaying Special Characters and CDATA
Parsing with a DTD
Choosing Your Parser Implementation
Using the Validating Parser
Parsing a Parameterized DTD
Handling Lexical Events
Using the DTDHandler and EntityResolver
Further Information
Building Web Services with JAX-RPC
Setting the Port
Creating a Simple Web Service and Client with JAX-RPC
Types Supported by JAX-RPC
Web Service Clients
Web Services Interoperability and JAX-RPC
Further Information
SOAP with Attachments API for Java
Overview of SAAJ
Code Examples
Further Information
Java API for XML
Overview of JAXR
Implementing a JAXR Client
Running the Client Examples
Using JAXR Clients in J2EE
Further Information
Java Servlet Technology
What Is a Servlet?
The Example Servlets
Servlet Life Cycle
Sharing Information
Initializing a Servlet
Writing Service Methods
Filtering Requests and
Accessing the Web Context
Maintaining Client State
Finalizing a Servlet
Further Information
JavaServer Pages Technology
What Is a JSP Page?
The Example JSP Pages
The Life Cycle of a JSP Page
Creating Static Content
Creating Dynamic Content
Expression Language
JavaBeans Components
Using Custom Tags
Reusing Content in JSP Pages
Transferring Control to Another Web Component
Including an Applet
Setting Properties for Groups of JSP Pages
Further Information
JavaServer Pages Documents
The Example JSP Document
Creating a JSP Document
Identifying the JSP Document to the Container
JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library
The Example JSP Pages
Using JSTL
Core Tag Library
XML Tag Library
Internationalization Tag Library
SQL Tag Library
Further Information
Custom Tags in JSP Pages
What Is a Custom Tag?
The Example JSP Pages
Types of Tags
Encapsulating Reusable Content Using Tag Files
Tag Library Descriptors
Programming Simple Tag Handlers
Scripting in JSP Pages
The Example JSP Pages
Using Scripting
Disabling Scripting
Programming Tags That Accept Scripting Elements
JavaServer Faces Technology
JavaServer Faces Technology Benefits
What Is a JavaServer Faces Application?
Framework Roles
A Simple JavaServer Faces Application
User Interface Component Model
Navigation Model
Backing Bean Management
How the Pieces Fit Together
The Life Cycle of a JavaServer Faces Page
Further Information
Using JavaServer Faces Technology in JSP Pages
The Example JavaServer Faces Application
Setting Up a Page
Using the Core Tags
Using the HTML Component Tags
Using Localized Messages
Using the Standard Converters
Registering Listeners on Components
Using the Standard Validators
Binding Component Values and Instances to External Data Sources
Referencing a Backing Bean Method
Using Custom Objects
Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology
Writing Component Properties
Performing Localization
Creating a Custom Converter
Implementing an Event Listener
Creating a Custom Validator
Writing Backing Bean Methods
Internationalizing and Localizing Web Applications
Java Platform Localization Classes
Providing Localized Messages and Labels
Date and Number Formatting
Character Sets and Encodings
Further Information
Enterprise Beans
What Is an Enterprise Bean?
What Is a Session Bean?
What Is an Entity Bean?
What Is a Message-Driven Bean?
Defining Client Access with Interfaces
The Contents of an Enterprise Bean
Naming Conventions for Enterprise Beans
The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
Further Information
Getting Started with Enterprise Beans
Creating the J2EE Application
Creating the Enterprise Bean
Creating the Application Client
Creating the Web Client
Mapping the Enterprise Bean References
Specifying the Web Client’s Context Root
Deploying the J2EE Application
Running the Application Client
Running the Web Client
Modifying the J2EE Application
Session Bean Examples
The CartBean Example
A Web Service Example: HelloServiceBean
Other Enterprise Bean Features
Using the Timer Service
Handling Exceptions
Bean-Managed Persistence Examples
Mapping Table Relationships for Bean-Managed Persistence
Primary Keys for Bean-Managed Persistence
Deploytool Tips for Entity Beans with Bean-Managed Persistence
What Is a Transaction?
Container-Managed Transactions
Bean-Managed Transactions
Summary of Transaction Options for Enterprise Beans
Transaction Timeouts
Isolation Levels
Updating Multiple Databases
Transactions in Web Components
Resource Connections
JNDI Naming
Data Source Objects and Connection Pools
Database Connections
Mail Session Connections
URL Connections
Further Information
Realms, Users, Groups, and Roles
Web-Tier Security
Understanding Login Authentication Installing and Configuring SSL Support
XML and Web Services Security
EJB-Tier Security
Application Client-Tier Security
EIS-Tier Security
Propagating Security Identity
What Is Java Authorization Contract for Containers?
Further Information
The Java Message Service API
Basic JMS API Concepts
The JMS API Programming Model
Writing Simple JMS Client Applications
Creating Robust JMS Applications
Using the JMS API in a J2EE Application
Further Information
Examples Using the JMS API
A J2EE Application That Uses the JMS API with a Session Bean
A J2EE Application That Uses the JMS API with an Entity Bean
An Application Example That Consumes Messages from a Remote J2EE Server
An Application Example That Deploys aMessage-Driven Bean on Two J2EE Servers
Enterprise Beans
Application Client
Web Client
Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the Application
Running the Clients
Spring Framework
Introduction to Spring
Steps to use Spring Framework in applications
Understanding IOC and Dependency Injection
Understanding the bean life-cycle – Auto wiring and bean scopes
Annotation-based dependency injection
Adding behavior to an application using aspects – AOP
Creating and applying aspects
Introducing data access with Spring – JDBC through spring
Transactions in a Spring environment
Getting started with Hibernate in a Spring environment
Working with Spring MVC
Spring MVC Form Handling
Creating Views in Spring MVC
Hibernate with annotation
Web Application using hibernate Generator Classes in Hibernate
Inheritance mapping Table Per Hierarchy Table per Concrete Collection in hibernate
Hibernate Query language Hibernate Criteria Query Language Caching in Hibernate
First level Cache Second Level Cache
Introduction Architecture
Struts Configuration File Struts.xml
Multi configuration Multi namespace Struts Validation Custom
Bundled Ajax
Struts Interface Servlet Action Context Session Ae are
Servlet Context Aware Hibernate With Struts Struts Date Time Picker Registration Example Login Example
Fetch all Record of a table
Web Development
HTML & CSS Overview
HTML Attributes
HTML Styles
HTML Forms
HTML Input Element Types
HTML Input Attributes
HTML File Paths
Script tag and its uses
CSS Introduction
CSS Syntax
CSS Selectors
CSS Styling
Javascript Primer
Introduction to Javascript
Javascript Statements
Javascript Keywords
Javascript Functions
Javascript Programs
Javascript Operators
Function Parameters
Function Return Values
Javascript Data Types
Primitive Types
Working with Objects
Object Overview
Object Oriented Programming
Object creation
Adding Properties to Objects
Adding Methods to Objects
Javascript Conditional Statements
Javascript Loops & Iteration
Enumerating properties
Environmental setup
Model-View-Controller explained
Why MVC matters
MVC – the AngularJS way
First Application Directives
Introduction to Directives
Directive lifecycle
Using AngularJS built-in directives
Binding controls to data
Matching directives
Creating a custom directive
Expressions Controllers
Role of a Controller
Attaching properties and functions to scope
Nested Controllers
Using filters in Controllers
Controllers in External Files
Controllers & Modules
Using AngularJS filters
Creating custom filters
Introduction to AngularJS Modules Bootstrapping
Working with Angular Forms
Model binding
Form controller
Validating Angular Forms
Updating models with a twist
$error object
Form events
Two way data binding
Scope inheritance
Scope & controllers
Scope & directives
$apply and $watch
Scope broadcasting
Dependency Injection & Services
What is Dependency Injection
Using Dependency Injection
What are services
Creating services
Factory, Service & Provider
Using AngularJS built in services
Single Page Application(SPA)
What is SPA
Pros & Cons of SPA
Installing the ngRoute module
Configure routes
Passing parameters
Changing location
Resolving promises
Create a Single Page Application
Getting Started
Course Introduction.
What is Angular?
Angular vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4+
Project Setup and First App.
Editing the First App.
The Course Structure.
What is TypeScript.
A Basic Project Setup using Bootstrap for Styling
The Basics How an Angular App gets Loaded and Started Components Components Using Custom Components Creating Components with the CLI & Nesting Components Working with Component Templates Working with Component Style
Assignment 1: Practicing Components What is Databinding
String Interpolation
Property Binding
Property Binding vs String Interpolation
Event Binding
Bindable Properties and Events
Passing and Using Data with Event Binding
Important: FormsModule is Required for Two-Way-Binding
Combining all Forms of Databinding
Assignment 2: Practicing Databinding
Understanding Directives
Using ngIf to Output Data Conditionally
Enhancing ngIf with an Else Condition.
Components & Databinding Deep Dive
Splitting Apps into Components
Property & Event Binding Overview
Binding to Custom Properties
Assigning an Alias to Custom Properties
Binding to Custom Events
Assigning an Alias to Custom Events
Custom Property and Event Binding Summary
Understanding View Encapsulation
More on View Encapsulation
Using Local References in Templates.
Getting Access to the Template & DOM with @ViewChild.
Understanding the Component Lifecycle
Lifecycle Hooks Assignment 3: Practicing Property & Event Binding and View Encapsulation Directives Deep Dive
ngFor and ngIf ngClass and ngStyle
How to create a Basic Directive
Using Services & Dependency Injection Why would you Need Services?
Creating a Logging Service
Injecting the Logging Service into Components Creating a Data Service
Understanding the Hierarchical Injector
How many Instances of Service Should It Be? Injecting Services into
Using Services for Cross-Component Communication
Assignment 4: Practicing Services Changing Pages with Routing
Why do we need a Router?
Understanding the Example Project.
Setting up and Loading Routes.
Navigating with Router Links.
Understanding Navigation Paths.
Styling Active Router Links.
Navigating Programmatically
Using Relative Paths in Programmatic Navigation Passing Parameters to Routes
Fetching Route Parameters
Fetching Route Parameters Reactively
An Important Note about Route Observables Passing Query Parameters and Fragments Retrieving Query Parameters and Fragments Setting up Child (Nested) Routes
Using Query Parameters – Practice Configuring the Handling of Query Parameters Redirecting and Wildcard Routes
Important: Redirection Path Matching An Introduction to Guards
Protecting Routes with canActivate
Protecting Child (Nested) Routes with canActivateChild Using a Fake Auth Service
Controlling Navigation with canDeactivate
Handling Forms in Angular Apps
Template-Driven (TD) vs Reactive Approach
TD Forms
Assignment 5: Practicing Template-Driven Forms
Introduction to the Reactive Approach
Reactive Forms
Assignment 6: Practicing Reactive Forms
Using Pipes to Transform Output
Introduction & Why Pipes are Useful Using Pipes
Making Http Requests
Introduction & How Http Requests Work in SPAs
Sending Requests (Example: POST Request)
Adjusting Request Headers
Sending GET Requests Sending a PUT Request
Transform Responses Easily with Observable Operators (map())
Using the Returned Data
Catching Http Errors
Using the “async” Pipe with Http Requests.
Authentication & Route Protection in Angular Apps
How Authentication Works in Single-Page-Applications
Creating a Signup Page and Route
Setting up the Firebase SDK Signing Users Up
Signin Users In
Requiring a Token (on the Backend) Sending the Token
Checking and Using Authentication Status
Adding a Logout Button
Route Protection and Redirection. Wrap Up
The HttpClient (ANGULAR 5 Addition Bonus SECTION)
Request Configuration and Response.
Requesting Events.
Setting Headers.
SQL – Structure Query Language
RDBMS – An Introduction Database
Relational Database Systems
Working with the Book’s Sample Database
SQL: A Relational Database Language
Normal Forms
Entity-Relationship Model
Syntax Conventions
Foundations of T-SQL
A Short History of T-SQL
Imperative vs. Declarative Languages
SQL Basics
Transaction Logs
Stored Procedures
User-Defined Functions
SQL CLR Assemblies
Elements of Style
Naming Conventions
One Entry, One Exit
Defensive Coding
SQL-92 Syntax Outer Joins
The SELECT * Statement
Variable Initialization
Procedural Code and CASE Expressions
Three-Valued Logic
Control-of-Flow Statements
The BEGIN and END Keywords
The IF…ELSE Statement
The WHILE, BREAK, and CONTINUE Statements
The GOTO Statement
The WAITFOR Statement
The RETURN Statement
The TRY…CATCH Statement
The CASE Expression
The Simple CASE Expression
The Searched CASE Expression
CASE and Pivot Tables
User-Defined Functions
Scalar Functions
Recursion in Scalar User-Defined Functions
Procedural Code in User-Defined Functions
Multistatement Table-Valued Functions
Inline Table-Valued Functions
Restrictions on User-Defined Functions
Nondeterministic Functions
State of the Database
Stored Procedures
Introducing Stored Procedures
Calling Stored Procedures
Managing Stored Procedures
Stored Procedures in Action
Recursion in Stored Procedures
Table-Valued Parameters
Temporary Stored Procedures
Recompilation and Caching
Stored Procedure Statistics
Parameter Sniffing
DML Triggers
When to Use DML Triggers
Auditing with DML Triggers
Nested and Recursive Triggers
Triggers on Views
DDL Triggers
Logon Triggers
Common Table Expressions and Windowing Functions
Common Table Expressions
Multiple Common Table Expressions
Recursive Common Table Expressions
Windowing Functions
The ROW_NUMBER Function
The RANK and DENSE_RANK Functions
The NTILE Function
Aggregate Functions and OVER
Legacy XML
OPENXML Result Formats
FOR XML Clause
The xml Data Type
Untyped xml
Typed xml
The xml Data Type Methods
The query Method
The value Method
The exist Method
The nodes Method
The modify Method
XML Indexes
XSL Transformations
XQuery and XPath
XPath Attributes
Columns Without Names and Wildcards
Element Grouping
The data Function
XPath and NULL
Node Tests
XQuery and the xml Data Type
Expressions and Sequences
The query Method
Location Paths
Node Tests
Axis Specifiers
Dynamic XML Construction
XQuery Comments
Data Types
Conditional Expressions (if…then…else)
Arithmetic Expressions
XQuery Functions
Constructors and Casting
FLWOR Expressions
Catalog Views and Dynamic Management Views
Catalog Views
Table and Column Metadata
Index Metadata
Querying Permissions
Dynamic Management Views and Functions
Session Information
Connection Information
Currently Executing SQL
Tempdb Space
Server Resources
Unused Indexes
SQL CLR Programming
The Old Way
SQL CLR Assemblies
User-Defined Functions
Stored Procedures
User-Defined Aggregates
Creating a Simple UDA
Creating an Advanced UDA
SQL CLR User-Defined Types
New T-SQL Features
Set Operators
The OUTPUT Clause
The TOP Keyword
Date and Time Functions
The max Data Types
Enabling FILESTREAM Support
Creating FILESTREAM Filegroups
FILESTREAM-Enabling Tables
Accessing FILESTREAM Data
Error Handling and Dynamic SQL
Error Handling
Legacy Error Handling
Try…Catch Exception Handling
The RAISERROR Statement
Debugging Tools
PRINT Statement Debugging
Trace Flags
SSMS Integrated Debugger
Visual Studio T-SQL Debugger
Dynamic SQL
The EXECUTE Statement
SQL Injection and Dynamic SQL
Troubleshooting Dynamic SQL
The sp_executesql Stored Procedure
Dynamic SQL and Scope
Client-Side Parameterization
Performance Tuning
SQL Server Storage
Files and Filegroups
Space Allocation
Data Compression
Clustered Indexes
Nonclustered Indexes
Filtered Indexes
Optimizing Queries
Reading Query Plans
Software Testing
Duration: 12 hrs.
Software Development Life Cycle :
What are the different phases of SDLC?
How does the process of Software Development Start?
Project Initiation
Requirement Gathering and Analysis
What is Requirement document and what it contains?
What is use case document and what it contains?
What is Basic path and Alternate Path?
Role of Business Analyst
Example for explaining each phase
Role of technical specification team
What is Technical specification document?
What is System Design?
Role of Design team
What is design document?
Role of architecture team
System development
Role of development team
Deliverable of Development phase
System testing
Role of testers and types of testing
User acceptance testing
System deployment
System maintenance
Events in the maintenance phase like bug fixes
Software Testing Life Cycle
How are the phases of STLC carried out?
What is testing?
Role of testers
Why do we need to test?
Activities involved in the testing phase
What is test plan and test case document?
Steps of test case execution
What does test case document contain?
How to write test case document?
What is required to test any application?
What is test case?
What does test case document contain?
How to write test case document?
Different test case techniques
What is Test Plan?
How to write test plan document?
What does the test plan document contain?
Who writes and approves the test plan document?
How manage the test case documents?
What is the pass/fail criterion?
Different Phases of testing
What is unit testing?
What is Minimum acceptance testing?
What is integration, system and system integration testing?
What is User acceptance testing?
What is Regression Testing?
What is a defect?
Various Defect tracking tools
How to use the defect tracking tools?
How to enter the details of defect in the defect tracking tool?
How to identify a defect?
What is severity and priority?
What is Traceability Matrix[TM]?
Who Prepares the TM document?
What is the reference for writing TM?
What is the use of TM?
What is present in the TM document?
Sample TM
Tools used for developing TM
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